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Immortal: The Chosen Page 2

  “Em, it is way more complicated than you know. She couldn't have just come out and told you. She had to wait until you started showing the signs of the beginning, because she would have had to pay great consequences if she had broken the rules. We need to pay your Gran a visit!”

  “I have to go to her house tonight for my birthday celebration. She says it’s going to be huge. She is inviting all of her friends, and I am sure she wouldn't mind if you were to tag along since you guys already seem to know each other. What do you mean she had to wait until it was starting? What do you mean when you say the signs of the beginning?”

  “Yes, I forgot tonight will be your birthday party, and it is indeed starting to fulfill itself. The signs have revealed that you are the one. I am so excited, and I can only hope that you will be just as excited as I am when all is revealed. Em, all will be explained in due time, but I just want you to know that I will never pressure you into anything. It will always be your choice, and there will be no judgment from me at all. You have to do what is best for you, because you can never make everyone happy. I just hope that happiness involves a life with me.”

  “What do you mean that the signs have been revealed, and it is starting to fulfill itself? What are you talking about? What am I? Right at this moment I feel like I am a full blown wack-a-loon. What's a wack-a-loon, you might ask me? You know, a cross between a wacko and a loony person. What would you have to pressure me into doing? I will do anything to help you Dravon. You do know that, right?”

  Dravon is outright laughing now, holding his side, like he has just heard the funniest thing in the world.

  “Trust me Em, you are not a full blown wack-a-loon as you say, which I do find hilarious, I might add. It's not my job to tell you the specific details about you, because I am not the person that holds that particular job in your life. That is the responsibility of your Gran to explain, so please Emmaline calm down. I am asking you to please trust me again, and I know I haven't given you much of a reason. We barely know each other, but you will come to understand why I have your very best interest at heart. I can't come to your birthday celebration, because that is a private gathering. I will see you for sure on Saturday morning, or maybe before then if it is allowed.”

  I feel arms hug me tightly when there are none to the visible eye. I look at Dravon, and he is smiling without looking at me. I am still staring at him though, and it is for the first time that I come to the realization that he is tremendously sexy. It also dawns on me at this point that he is calling me by my nickname that only my friends use. He has been here two years now, and I don't understand why it is that I am just now realizing that he is so utterly gorgeous. He is so much more than a perfect match to the dream guy I have always wanted. You know, the dream guy, you have dreamt of marrying and living happily ever after with since you were a little girl? The knight and shining armor that whisks you away into the sunset, in your favorite movie or fairy tale?

  Dravon is a little over six feet tall with black hair that lays messy all over his head. It's the messy style you spend hours perfecting to look as if you just woke up and run your fingers through it. He has the bluest eyes like a crystal clear aquamarine gem, and when you look deep into his eyes, you can almost see yourself inside them. I hardly ever look too deep, because it's as if you could get lost in his soul. He has a muscular, athletic build. I have to say being a football player definitely has its perks. He spends a lot of time working out in the gym, so he has the whole complete set with the six pack abs, wide muscular shoulders with biceps made of steel, and his thigh muscles make two or three of my scrawny ones.

  When I said he was a snob before, I was basing that on attitude alone not his wardrobe. He is definitely my type of guy, and by my type of guy I mean the t-shirt and jeans type. He wears a black leather jacket all the time, because he is mostly always riding his motorcycle. His next favorite hobby is being on a football field or basketball court, because he either loves sports or just doesn't want to ever be still. He is like a drifter that never stops drifting, because it's from one thing to another and from one place to another all the time. I believe if I were able I would love to ride just like him. I would love to just let the wind blow my hair, set myself free, and go wherever the road takes me.

  Where is his motorcycle? Why is he on the bus this morning? I am lost in my thoughts again, broadcasting them to him like a beacon in the night calling out to a lost ship.

  “Aren't we a ball of curiosity? I do believe that you are harboring a major crush on me. I'm so flattered, and I want you to know that I do feel the exact same way about you. Your feelings will be returned tenfold. You are so beautiful Emmaline. I believe that you know enough for now though. I need you to do something for me, okay? Put up a telepathic wall Emmaline! I am going to be able to hear your every thought if you don't. I'm not complaining mind you, but I know that you are a private person. Do you want me to explain? By the way the motorcycle is in the shop, and I'm on the bus because it is the only other way to school. Unless perhaps you would have liked if I had walked, and arrived at school all hot and sweaty.”

  Dravon is now smiling that sexy, confident, teasing smile that is different from the ones he flashes to other girls.

  I try to act as if I'm indifferent to his flirting, but I think I am losing my resolve. I know this because my heart is pounding out of my chest, my hands are trembling, and the only thing I can think about is how awesome Dravon's lips will feel on mine. Somehow I think he has heard all my thoughts, and not just the one's about his motorcycle because he is flirting with me now, and wearing that omniscient smile.

  “Gross Dravon, umm no! Eew, sweat is gross. Unless it is at certain times.” I stop myself right there before I think something else that will be broadcasted to him. I am hardcore blushing now, and my face feels like a furnace. God, I have got to practice this damn telepathic wall thing. This telepathy that is shared between Dravon and I might be the death of me yet.

  “Yes, Dravon please tell me how to put up this telepathic wall. I think that is going to be a life saver for me.”

  “Emmaline, I can only teach you a few things, and we will have to hope for the best. You haven't had time to practice it to perfect it. Step one is to clear your mind of everything. Step two is to picture a red door in your mind, and you have to focus on it fiercely. Step three is to take slow deep breaths as you complete these steps. We will hope that it works until your Gran can teach you how to perfect the telepathic wall, or as I like to call it mind-blocking.”

  “I will do my very best to achieve this today, and I will be getting Gran to teach me mind-blocking just as soon as I can. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me so far Dravon.”

  “You are so very welcome!”

  "Em, you are uncharacteristically quiet today. Are you sure that you're okay?" James asks concerned.

  I look up at James, and it is then I notice for the first time how handsome he is in his nerd uniform as I call it. He wears his button-up shirts with the sweater over it, his khaki pants, his loafers, and always looks like a professor at school. He has sandy-blond hair that is always flowing down his back, beautiful blue eyes, although not the same blue as Dravon's, his are the sky blue that if you look deep enough into them you will find the diamonds inside. He is a bit on the scrawny side compared to Dravon, but he is not lacking in muscle. He has small abs, but he has about twice the size of biceps and thigh muscles that I have. He is pretty hot though. I would have to say that I rate him a ten on the fine scale, and at this moment he is running a tight second place to that dream guy I was just thinking about. James is perfect, but it is in more of the big brother, teddy bear sort of way.

  You know the teddy bear dream guy? The one you go to when you are heartbroken, and he buys you the tubs of ice cream and box of tissues to wipe your tears. He sits with you all night while you cry on his shoulder, and tell him all your troubles. He vows to protect you, and beat up anyone else that breaks your heart. He’s the prote
ctive teddy bear that just steals your heart away. I have always thought of James Davenport in this way, because he is my loving, caring teddy bear.

  We have been best friends since he moved here a little over three years ago. He lives with his Grandma in one of those one-of-a-kind condominiums I was telling you about earlier, and he hates them almost as much as I do. I have no idea where James's parents are, nor have I ever asked. I refuse to pry into other people's business, and I feel like if he wants me to know that information he will divulge that to me. He has never offered up any knowledge of his parents, and I have never asked or pushed the issue.

  I feel as if everyone has their baggage that includes some sort of family issue, and that information is private to most people. I am turning a bright scarlet color as I blush even more thinking of James and my relationship, because I realize my thoughts are still being broadcasted to Dravon. I am not embarrassed by our relationship, but I am embarrassed that Dravon can hear my every thought.

  Wall, Emmaline.. Wall.. I think to myself and I see Dravon nodding.

  “Yes, James, I think I’m going to be fine. I don't know what is going on, and I'm sorry I'm lost in thought this morning. I can't believe that I am seventeen today," I reply trying to make small talk, and recover from this eventful morning. I have a busy day at school left to make through before I can talk to my Gran about all this. I am confused, but for some reason it just feels right. It feels like I haven't discovered anything new today. It's just like any other day to me now, and I am not hysterical or questioning anymore. It's almost like this is just my destiny, and I have known it forever.

  We are now at the point in the bus route where my best friend Sadie Jordan, a.k.a Wild Child, boards the bus. She is sporting her mid-drift neon green Nike baby tee, black with neon green striped mini skirt, black high heel boots, and multi-colored bangle bracelets on each arm. She is wearing her normal colorful makeup. She has on green eye shadow, light jade mascara, and a tad bit of black eyeliner that brightens her already shiny catlike green eyes, and her beautiful, straight, red hair accentuates them perfectly. She never wears any foundation or blush, but she does wear a very light pinkish color lipstick that makes her lips fuller.

  Of course, her fingernails are always painted a beautiful sparkling, glitter color to match her outfit for the day. She is beautiful, to say the least. She is a little taller than me at five feet and seven inches, but she is very petite. So to say that she is tiny, extremely noisy, straight up stunning, or that she could be a runway model would be an understatement. She has an angelic, porcelain doll face that is nearly flawless. She has a tiny diamond stud in her nose that just adds to her awesome beauty, but she only wears it when she wants to look older, to get into the clubs she frequents. She wants to add a new piercing to the one that she received for her sixteenth birthday. She knows that a belly button piercing is the only thing her mom can afford for her seventeenth birthday that is in two days, so she hasn't even tried to ask for a car. I can't believe that we are just two days apart in age, but I feel like Sadie is the sister that I never had.

  I will be driving her, and I will become her wheels when I get my car. I know that her mom would rather spend her money on drugs than her daughter, but I don't say this to her. She doesn't need me to point out this fact, and I wouldn't hurt Sadie for anything. Sadie is a wild child partly because of her personality and partly because she has no adult supervision. One of the facts my mom likes to point out, when she says anything to me at all. My mom judges everyone else as if she has a right to judge, but it's not like I have adult supervision either. People never see their own faults, but they sure do see everyone else's.

  Sadie's dad hasn't been in the picture at all. She has never even laid eyes on the man. To be blunt, Sadie's mom is a drug addict as I was saying earlier. She is always looking for her next fix, and I think this is exactly why Sadie looks for attention anywhere she can get. And boy, does she sure get it! She just demands it.

  Sadie was my first friend here. I met her when I was twelve-year-old, on the exact day that we parked the moving van in the driveway to move into that blasted glorified apartment. We became best friends instantly. Why she picked me I will never know, but we have become inseparable ever since she did?

  "Happy birthday, baby girl. I can't wait for your party tonight," Sadie says loud enough for the whole bus to hear. She takes her seat slowly making sure all eyes are on her.

  "Thanks, Sadie. Are we all set for tonight?" I ask.

  "For sure girl, you know I wouldn't miss your party! Your house is mine for the weekend as usual my mom will be entertaining," she says looking embarrassed.

  Even though we are the only ones that know about her mom's drug habit, and the need to have sex with anyone that can supply her with said drugs. Her mom somehow manages to keep it hidden, except to her crowd of people and for Sadie's sake thank goodness for small favors.

  "James, are you going to Em's party?" Sadie asks.

  "Yes, I wouldn't miss it either," James says, smiling at Sadie.

  I know that James has a crush on Sadie. He has harbored said crush for as long as we’ve been friends. Of course he won't tell her. He is afraid of rejection. Little does he know that under that rough exterior that Sadie upholds, she feels the exact same way about him?

  I know all this, but I will take both secrets to my grave. I hate to meddle, because in the past, it has done nothing but cause problems. I am a true believer in destiny, and if they are destined to be together then they will be together, indeed.

  Sadie is the first person to exit the bus as usual, and she is talking the whole way down the stairs to the sidewalk.

  I am gathering my things, and James is there right by my side waiting on me. It's like he is scared to leave my side, because of my fainting episode earlier. I don't say it, but I am truly glad.

  "I’ll see you guys at lunch. Dravon is eating with us today," I say as I am walking away to go to my first period, because I know I'm going to be saved by the bell ringing soon, and I don't feel like getting the third degree from my two best friends. For the first time since the start of the school year, I am glad that I don't share the first two periods with either one of them. I need to be by myself, so that maybe I can process some of the information that I have been overwhelmed with on this day.

  We have a four bell system here at Great Falls High School. Each period lasts an hour and a half. We have four classes for the first semester, and then we have four different classes the second. So this semester I have English III, Algebra II, German I, and Computer Science in that order from first period to last, and everyone in their junior year has the same lunch period at 11:30 a.m. Sadie and James have World History, Biology II, and they share German I and Computer Science with me. Next semester we will only share two classes as well. They will have English III, and Algebra II, while I have World History, and Biology II. We will share Computer Science II, and German II.

  “I hope this telepathy works long distance. Dravon!”

  “Yes, Em. Ouch! You don't have to scream. Damn girl that hurt.”

  “Sorry Dravon, I didn't know if this works long distance or not. Anyway, I want you to have lunch with us.” I don't wait for an answer. I continue on my way to first period, and for the first time since school started I'm dreading my usual beloved English class, even though it's my second favorite subject. I just am not into it today. I wouldn't know why though. Would you? I mean it’s a normal morning, right?

  “Emmaline, Earth to Emmaline!”

  “Yes, Dravon.”

  “Wow, Girl. You are already perfecting your blocking. Amazing work Em! That wall was hard for me to break.”

  “What are you talking about Dravon? I wasn't concentrating on the wall. I was concentrating on English.”

  “It was still awesome Em, anyway, I don't feel comfortable having lunch with you.”

  “Dravon, I have a feeling that we are going to be spending a lot more time together here soon, and I can
't explain why or how I know that. I just do.”

  “I am just not ready yet. You don't know the half of it....”

  I pick up Dravon's last thought as it trails off. I assume that he has put the wall up to keep me out of his mind. What did he mean by - I don't know the half of it?

  Chapter Two



  I anxiously type in a text message to my father. I have to inform him of what is happening. I will have to be at Emmaline's first thing Saturday morning or sooner, because we only have exactly twenty four hours to act. I know they are going to be just as thrilled as I am. I couldn't have picked a better person if destiny had been left up to me, but it hasn't been. Yet, I was still destined to be with the best person I know. I send the text to my dad.

  Dravon: Dad, she is the one, just like we expected.

  Emmaline is beautiful to say the least. She has beautiful, long, straight, shiny jet black hair. She always looks sexy, and this morning was no different. She had on new clothes, but it was still her usual t-shirt and jeans combo; but with an awesome twist I might add. This one was a blue baby tee with the words Live in pink, Laugh in purple, and Love in green pastel colors on it and her hip hugger, skinny, black L.E.I. jeans that fit her every curve snuggly. This outfit is a little different from her normal t-shirts with sarcastic sayings, her name brand jeans, and her bright colored Vans. Her build is a little on the thicker side, because she is more muscular than most of our normal bony cheerleader-type girls here at Great Falls High. Her new shoes are high-top Nike Air Jordan’s, and she looks awesome in them even though they are boy's shoes. Her hair tumbles down to the middle of her back, but it curves slightly around her face. The light colors in her shirt combined with the black jeans make her eyes almost look like they are an onyx gem with a speck of light brown in the pupils. The skinny jeans she is wearing makes her legs look even longer than they already are at her five feet and six inch height. Her makeup is always put on so lightly that it just accentuates her own natural beauty, and she has a tiny diamond stud in her nose that draws attention to said beauty.