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Immortal: The Chosen Page 6

  "Son, as I said earlier the Healer hasn't been revealed as of yet, but we have somewhat of an idea of who it may be. Please don't worry, because I have a sneaky suspicion that your beloved Sadie is just the girl. I need to do some more research on her family lineage. I think that Ms. Sadie may have some pixie blood in her. I will start with Aryanna and trace backwards and forwards until I know a definite answer, so before you panic please allow me to do so. Is that a deal?"

  "Yes, that is a deal, Dad," I say and feel somewhat relieved. You can call it intuition or whatever, but I think my dad is correct. Why else would I feel the way I do about Sadie? I am more at ease now that we have formulated a plan, and I know that one way or another it is going to work out. I will be with Sadie. Destiny be damned, but for some reason I think destiny is on my side in this matter.

  Chapter Ten


  I'm startled awake by the sound of breaking glass. Was I just dreaming? I lay there as quietly as I can while I listen, and the only thing I hear now is my heavy, labored breathing and then I hear nothing but silence. I must have been dreaming, I think to myself, but I can't shake the feeling that something is definitely wrong. I have an overwhelming feeling of dread, but I try to dismiss that feeling thinking that it has been brought on by a dream that I can't seem to remember. I roll over on my side and look at the alarm clock, and I'm immediately anxious.

  I jump from the bed like a crazed lunatic, because it’s already 4:45 p.m. James will be here soon and I still have to shower. I stumble to the closet, still in somewhat of a daze, to pick out an outfit to wear to my party, and in the closet hanging on the door is a beautiful lavender dress with a sequined bodice. It is strapless, long enough to reach to the ground, and flares out with a slight lace ruffle. It's beautiful in that breath-taking way.

  Lying on the floor of my closet, beneath the dress, is a pair of lavender strap sandals with an inch thick heel with sparkling tiny sequins on them as well, and to the right of my closet sits my desk with the most beautiful amethyst bracelet, necklace, and earrings sitting on top. The necklace is a locket outlined in amethyst jewels with a picture of my Gran and me. The bracelet is white gold with an amethyst charm, and the earrings match both. There is a letter setting near them, and I hurriedly make my way to the desk with tears in my eyes, while picking up the letter. I read the letter with my heart beating in my ears, and I quickly find out that this is all from my Gran.


  I thought that it was fitting that you look like a princess tonight. I hope that you will decide to at least wear them to humor me. I think that you will look breathtakingly beautiful. My dearest Emmaline, you are growing up on me, and becoming a young woman that fills my heart with proudness. Your life is about to change forever, but know that I am always with you, dear. I will never leave you, and please believe that everything is going to work out.

  Love always,


  I am too engrossed in the dress, accessories, and Gran's letter to think about the dream or the lack thereof. I busy myself collecting the body wash, lotion, and perfume of Cherry Blossom that Sadie and I just bought last week when we were at the mall. I make my way to the bathroom to run a bubble bath, because if I am going to be pampered tonight, I am going to start by pampering myself.

  “Em, are you ready for tonight?” I hear Dravon's voice while I am lowering myself into the bathtub. I automatically turn nine shades of red, if that is even possible. I know he can't see me, but something about hearing Dravon and then thinking of him just does something to my body. I don't realize that I am broadcasting these thoughts until he answers me.

  “Actually, Em, I can see what you see through your eyes. That is how this whole telepathy works. I will leave you alone now, since I know that you are exposed.”

  Oh, dear baby Jesus, Dravon has just seen me naked! I am a scarlet shade of red, but I hurriedly finish up my bath even though I had planned on pampering myself. I was so embarrassed that he had seen me indecent that I just couldn't enjoy the luxury of a bath. I am hurriedly drying my body like a mad woman when I hear a knock on the door downstairs, and I hear a chirp from my phone. It's Sadie, so I hurriedly text her back after I read her meltdown, while I am running to the door with a towel wrapped around me. I nearly break my neck almost falling down the stairs.

  Emmaline: Everything is okay, Sadie. I will explain when James and I pick you up in a few minutes.

  James is standing at my door when I jerk it open standing there in nothing but my towel with my phone in my hand. God, could I do anything more embarrassing at this point? My cheeks immediately heat up as he takes in my attire, or lack thereof. "Hey James," I say, hurriedly running back towards the stairs. I hear him shut the door and take a seat on the sofa near the stairs as I enter my room. God Em, how many more people are going to see you naked today? Frantically, I yank on my dress nearly tearing it, pulling my head through the neck, and as I am doing so I am rudely interrupted once more.

  “Exactly who else is seeing you naked?”

  I am so startled by Dravon's voice that I drop my high heel shoe on my big toe, causing me to curse out loud. "Damn it." I hear James taking the stairs two at a time, and already the overwhelming tingling starts. What the hell? Am I really losing it? I hear a knock at the door and I ignore Dravon opening the door for James.

  "James, are you ready?" I ask as he enters the room.

  "Yeah, anytime you are. Are you okay?" He stares at me intently.

  "Yes, I stubbed my toe, nothing major." I smile shyly.

  As we drive to Sadie's I have an overwhelming feeling something is wrong, but I am trying very hard to dismiss it. We pull into the driveway to see her mom standing in the yard. Before I can step out of the car, her mom yells at me as she heads through the front door.

  "The whore left with some guy."

  I am utterly shocked, although I shouldn’t be, because at this point anything this woman says shouldn't even faze me. I shut my door, look over at James, and I can see the frenzied worried look come over his face, quickly replaced with anger by the words he just heard.

  James drives towards my Gran's house and neither one of us notice the black BMW following us at first. James spots it but the BMW stays just far enough back that he isn’t concerned. It’s not until later that I find out who is driving the BMW. It is the neighbor guy I had seen moving in next door. I remember he had that look of a guy about to make a move on me, but James was there and the wolf smell deterred him.

  We make it to Gran’s without incident, and she is waiting in the driveway for us. We follow her to the cabin; since I was so panicked earlier I can't remember the way. Fifteen minutes later we are at the beautiful cabin. I hadn't noticed its beauty the last time I visited. The cabin was built with cherry wood that has the simple, fine, and closed grain look of maple. It has a porch swing that is made of the same cherry wood that I also hadn't noticed before.

  Gran hurries us towards the cabin before I can take in anymore scenery. She is in a hurry, scurrying around, and collecting things from the house. She gathers candles, lighter, Athame, and what looks like a beautiful robe of some kind. I don't have much time to ask questions. Gran rushes around, and we are bundled through the woods before I know it. James is at my side, and I can feel tension rolling off of him. "James, are you okay?" I ask, but I already know that he and I are experiencing the same feelings at this moment. We are both extremely worried about Sadie.

  "Em, where is she?" he asks, and I can almost hear a whimper in his voice.


  Chapter Eleven


  I am waiting on Em and James when they arrive, so that we can make the journey to the cabin. It only takes fifteen minutes to arrive, and I am so nervous I hurry from the car. Em is looking at me puzzled, and I can smell the anxiousness rolling off James like a tidal wave. I sneak a quick gaze at James. He is chewing on his bottom lip with what I can only describe as the most pained expression I have ever seen. I
wonder what is causing the pain I see, when it comes to my attention that Sadie is missing.

  "James, are you okay?" Em asks in a panicked whisper.

  "Em, where is she?” he asks with an animalistic whimper.

  "Sadie?" I ask worriedly. "Gran, I don't know. We went to her house, and her mom said she had left with some man. That isn't at all like her."

  "I am really worried, and I have this feeling of doom. It's almost like my heart hurts since she is not here," James says shyly.

  "There is danger on the horizon, I can feel a storm brewing on the surface," I say worriedly.

  If Sadie is missing that means that something is amiss. What is going on? Someone is trying to stop this initiation. That means we are all in danger, and we are limited on time. I need to get this ceremony over with, and then I need to proceed in discovering exactly what happened to Sadie. The most important thing right now is going through with the initiation ceremony. United as one, Emmaline and Dravon will be a force to be reckoned with once the bond is completed. Then James and Emmaline's bond will allow his wolf to become stronger in his abilities and senses.

  We head down the path in the woods that leads to the circle where my coven completes all ceremonies. There is a cave near the waterfall that cascades down the majestic mountainside spilling into the small pond that flows into the creek. There is an almost lilac sheen to the water. It's beautiful here and I briskly walk to the cave, leaving James and Em at the waterfall so I can change into my robes.

  I am to be initiated as High Priestess of this ceremony after Ella does the initiation and casts the circle, since Em is the Chosen, so I have to don my attire. My robes are a midnight blue with a sparkling crescent moon on the back. My hood is trimmed with sapphire jewels that shine like a treasured diamond. I love the way the robe feels, covering my body, and I wish it was peace that I was feeling. It is overwhelming doom that has taken the place of peace. I know something is about to happen, but I can't put my finger on what.

  When I exit the cave, I see Ren in the distance standing with James. I then see James's father Grayson standing next to Emmaline. They must stay calm for this ceremony if it's the last thing I ever accomplish and at this point I'm feeling it just may be. Dravon hovers close to the group in the shadow of the trees watching everyone intently. Even from this distance, I can see the love in his eyes as he gazes upon Emmaline. She is stunningly beautiful in the dress I purchased for this occasion. James appears to have the same look of love on his face, but I know that he loves Sadie not Emmaline.

  "Hello Grayson," I say smiling.

  "Molly," he says with a nod.

  "Hello Ren," I say. "Ren this is Grayson, Grayson this is Ren."

  "It's nice to meet you," Ren says to Grayson, and they shake hands politely. Ren kisses my cheek, and I get a puzzled look from Emmaline as other members of my coven appear in the clearing. I can feel anxiety rolling off her like tidal waves. I smile at her, and nod my head to reassure her everything is going to be fine. Explanations are going to have to be made soon, but first I need to set up the circle and make some introductions.

  The High Priestess of our coven, which is to initiate me as High Priestess tonight walks towards me. Ella has been one of my closest friends for as long as I can remember. She has mentored me in magic, and she has taught me potions, herbs that heal, and has been by my side through everything all these years. She is wearing traditional pagan ceremonial robes, like mine except hers are a beautiful purple.

  "Molly, how are you?" she asks knowingly. She knows that today is very nerve-wracking for me, but it's also filled with anticipated excitement.

  "I am doing as well as I can muster without having an anxiety attack," I say jokingly.

  "Are you ready for this new beginning in your life?" she asks.

  "I am more than ready," I reply with more determination than I have ever felt.

  "Let's do this!" she says excitedly.

  I gaze at my coven that has formed and I’m ready to make introductions, but true to my coven's hospitality they have already made most of the introductions themselves. Em seems to be enjoying herself, but I can still see the nervousness threatening to brim over. I know that she is sick with worry over Sadie. I peer at my friends and family, while silently saying a prayer that the danger I feel lurking is only my nerves. I know that it isn't, but an old woman can hope can't she?

  "Gather around," Ella says over the crowd. They hush immediately, showing her the respect a coven shows their High Priestess. "We have a lot to discuss. Please save all questions until we have the opportunity to answer them. I assure you every concern will be addressed." She glances to Emmaline. "Emmaline Watson, please step forward."

  Emmaline steps forward, and as she does, Dravon is by her side in a flash, guiding her with his hand on the small of her back. James immediately is by her side as well, and I see that Ella has sensed danger and rising tension by the crease that is spreading across her forehead.

  "Wolves please retreat," she requests in an authoritative but respectful manner.

  Emmaline raises her eyebrows at me, and proceeds to look around for wolves in a shocked expression. Panic rises and flushes her cheeks, and James rushes to her side and wraps his arm around her waist to steady her. Dravon looks at James with disgust, and jerks his hand off of her waist. They look as if a fight is brewing, so I step forward and take Em by the hand and lead her to Ella, giving Grayson a threatening look as I do. He whispers something in James's ear, and the wolves begin to retreat away from the clearing, but I know they won't be too far away. Emmaline looks at me quizzically as we approach Ella, and I pat her hand soothingly, just like I did when she was a child. She relaxes slightly as Ella takes her hand.

  "It is with great pleasure that I announce you to our coven," Ella says.

  "Thank you," Emmaline replies softly.

  "I am sure you have many questions, and they will be answered. The first order of business is to close the circle, so we can begin," says Ella.

  Coven members collect the necessary materials, some that I have brought with me and some that others have brought. The athame is beautiful with a decorative amethyst jeweled sheath and chain. It has been in my family for generations. A fact that I just found out recently with so many others I've discovered. I brought the white ceremonial candles that symbolize Emmaline's purity, and they are for the cleansing part of the ceremony as well as the mate part.

  Ella has the white quartz crystal, sandalwood incense, and the book of matches needed to light the incense and candles. These things are handed to Ella and she busies herself setting up the altar.

  She cleanses the altar making sure there are representations of The God, The Goddess, and each of the elements in their appropriate directions. The altar is then relocated to the center of the circle area, making sure that it is facing North.

  The circle is set up by Johen, our coven member that usually represents the South and the element Fire. The candles are then placed at each point of the circle by Sara, our representative of the East and element Air. The candles are lit by the Water and West representative Jordan. Ella takes her place at the North representing the element Earth.

  "We have all been cleansed and are dressed in our robes. If you haven't done so yet, please take this time to do so," Ella says.

  All coven members begin the walk clockwise around the circle. "While walking the circle, imagine a line of energy being crafted as you walk," Ella says as she carries the athame pointing it towards the North. The circle is drawn as the walk is completed clockwise once until Ella, Johen, Sara, and Jordan are at the respective places the second time around. The second candles are placed with each person at their point.

  "We will now call upon the Guardians," Ella says.

  "Guardians of the East, I call upon you to watch over the rites of the circle. Powers of knowledge and wisdom, guided by Air,

  we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your gu
idance do so in perfect love, perfect peace, and perfect trust," Sara states and then her candle is lit.

  "Guardians of the South, I call upon you to watch over the rites of the circle. Powers of energy and will, guided by Fire, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in perfect love, perfect peace, and perfect trust," Johen states as his orange candle is lit.

  "Guardians of the West, I call upon you to watch over the rites of the circle. Powers of passion and emotion, guided by Water, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in perfect love, perfect peace, and perfect trust," Jordan states as her blue candle is lit.

  "Guardians of the North, I call upon you to watch over the rites of the circle. Powers of endurance and strength, guided by Earth, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in perfect love, perfect peace, and perfect trust," Ella states as her candle burns.

  "Now that the elements have been invoked in the circle, you may enter. How do you enter?" asks Ella.

  The entire coven enters the circle and a chorus of voices is heard. "In perfect love, perfect peace, and perfect trust," they all say.

  "Now that all members are present within the circle, the circle is closed, and it's not to be broken or exited without the ceremonial cutting. Is this understood?" Ella states.

  All members nod their agreement.

  "Molly, do you have the Five Supernatural Immortals History book?" Ella asks.

  "Yes, I do," I say.

  "Are you ready to share?" Ella asks.

  "Yes, I am," I say as I open the book beginning to read aloud. "A Chosen's reign ends when the next is born, and it doesn't matter if she can rule or not. The first generation of witches didn't produce anyone to reign. The third generation of witches produced a Chosen with no powers. Therefore as history goes, the fifth generation should produce a powerful one to reign. There are rules to this, as there are rules to everything, unfortunately. To produce a Chosen with full potential of powers, every rule must be followed.